A listing of public and philanthropic funders of health research

Health research funding organizations

The New York Stem Cell Foundation

Organization details

Organization: The New York Stem Cell Foundation
Website: www.nyscf.org
Country: United States (USA)
Annual expenditures on health research (in million 2013 US dollars): 4.8
Annual expenditures on health research (in million 2013 PPP US dollars): 4.8
Annual funding for health research in original currency (in millions): 4.7
Original currency: US dollar
Type of funder: Philanthropic
Year from which funding data were derived: 2012
Description of source from which the data were acquired: No data available on own website, but available in a report by the Research Acceleration and Innovation Network (TRAIN).
Source link: http://train.fastercures.org/pdf/inventory/2014/NewYorkStemCellFoundation-2014.pdf
Other notes: -

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