Organization: | Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung / Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) |
Website: | |
Country: | Germany (DEU) |
Annual expenditures on health research (in million 2013 US dollars): | 472.1 |
Annual expenditures on health research (in million 2013 PPP US dollars): | 419.8 |
Annual funding for health research in original currency (in millions): | 355.6 |
Original currency: | Euro |
Type of funder: | Public |
Year from which funding data were derived: | 2013 |
Description of source from which the data were acquired: | A) “Education and Research in Figures 2013”: provides planned expenditures for 2013 EXCLUDING basic funding for several research funding organization, including DFG, FhG and MPG. Link: B) “Education and Research in Figures 2014”: provides target expenditures for 2013 INCLUDING basic funding for several research funding organization, including DFG, FhG and MPG. Link: C) “Mittel des BMBF nach Förderbereichen/ Förderschwerpunkten und Empfängergruppen: Einzelplan 30: Zuordnung der Empfängergruppen über die Ausführenden Stellen”: provides data on BMBF's expenditures for health research in 2013, EXCLUDING basic funding for several research funding organization, including DFG, FhG and MPG. Link: D) “Mittel des BMBF nach Förderbereichen/Förderschwerpunkten und Förderarten Einzelplan 30”: provides data for BMBF funding disaggregated to project funding, institutional funding, and funding for Internationale Beitragsverpflichtungen. Link: |
Source link: | A) B) C) D) |
Other notes: | Note 1: The BMBF document “Education and Research in Figures 2014” notes in Figure 10 that “Expenditure of non-university research organisations are distributed among funding areas and funding priorities, for the first time including DFG, FhG and MPG.” Total funding for 2013 for “health research and health industry” was 1,729.2 million euro. In the BMBF document “Education and Research in Figures 2013”, as opposed to in 2014, there was a separate entry for “Basic funding of research funding organizations”, including DFG, FhG and MPG. In the 2013 report, total planned funding for 2013 for “health research and medical technology” was 950.8. We have therefore assumed that this difference stems from the inclusion of DFG funds and other funds by research funding organizations, which were in turn funded by BMBF. Because these funds are distributed by other organizations, these were not included in the total expenditures of BMBF. These data appear to be confirmed by the file “Förderbereiche / Förderschwerpunkte und Empfängergruppen” on , which lists 953.0 million euro of funding by BMBF for health research, and has a separate category for “Grundfinanzierung von Forschungseinrichtungen” which appears to resemble the “Basic funding of research funding organizations” in the “Education and Research in Figures 2013” document. Note 2: The file “Förderbereiche / Förderschwerpunkte und Förderarten” on provides disaggregated numbers for BMBF funding for health research. It indicates that 355.6 million euro was allocated via project funding, where as 572.3 million euro was allocated via institutional funding. Since our study included only the direct support for health R&D in case of ministries, and not any health-related R&D funded by block grants to universities, hospitals or research institutes, we denoted funding by BMBF to be 355.6 million euro in our list. |