A listing of public and philanthropic funders of health research

Health research funding organizations

U.S. Department of Energy (EROA, AEC)

Organization details

Organization: U.S. Department of Energy (EROA, AEC)
Website: www.energy.gov/
Country: United States (USA)
Annual expenditures on health research (in million 2013 US dollars): 19.6
Annual expenditures on health research (in million 2013 PPP US dollars): 19.6
Annual funding for health research in original currency (in millions): 19.3
Original currency: US dollar
Type of funder: Public
Year from which funding data were derived: 2012
Description of source from which the data were acquired: "Table #301 Federal Obligations for Health Research and Development by Federal Agency. Fiscal Years 2002 - 2012 Actuals with estimates for 2013. From the Office of Extramural Research (OER) / Office of Planning, Analysis and Communications (OPAC) / Division of Statistical Analysis & Reporting (DSAR). OERStats@mail.nih.gov / www.report.nih.gov. Report # 572-13A. Report date 10/18/13. Note: There are several sources for US government spending on health research. An alternative sources is the document ""Truth and Consequences: Health R&D Spending in the U.S. (FY11-12)"" by Research!America, which can be downloaded at: http://www.researchamerica.org/uploads/healthdollar12.pdf (accessed 13 Oct 2014). The estimates by Research!America diverge significantly from the NIH estimates that we report here. "
Source link: http://report.nih.gov/displayreport.aspx?rid=579
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