Organization: | March of Dimes |
Website: | |
Country: | United States (USA) |
Annual expenditures on health research (in million 2013 US dollars): | 18.7 |
Annual expenditures on health research (in million 2013 PPP US dollars): | 18.7 |
Annual funding for health research in original currency (in millions): | 18.7 |
Original currency: | US dollar |
Type of funder: | Philanthropic |
Year from which funding data were derived: | 2013 |
Description of source from which the data were acquired: | 2013 Annual report notes that March of Dimes has spent 29,785,000 US$ in 2013 on 'Research and medical support'. March of Dimes let us know via a personal communication (d.d. 5 November 2014) that the amount of research dollars that was allocated in the 2013 fiscal year was $18,657,739 for 76 new grants. |
Source link: | |
Other notes: | - |